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holding paint brushes

"Learning to see and create visual images must also be recognized as essential to the learning process."

― Bette Fetter
creative art journal

Exploring Gratitude Through a Creative Journal

Life often moves so quickly that we fail to pause and appreciate the many blessings we receive daily. Practicing gratitude shifts perspective and allows us to see life through a lens of appreciation. A gratitude journal offers a place to mindfully cultivate thankfulness – and unleash your creativity in the process!

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group tai chi

Achieving Balance Through Mindful Movement

In our fast-paced, stress-filled world, practices that calm the mind, strengthen the body, and nourish the spirit are invaluable. Mindful movement beautifully fuses physical activity, creativity, and presence for whole-being wellness. Discover how tuning into your body’s innate wisdom through dance, yoga, martial arts, and more can guide you toward greater health and inner peace.

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